Economics and Warfare

Economics is the Sine Qua Non of Waging War In their three-volume Military Effectiveness set, Allan R. Millett and Williamson Murray argue that political effectiveness involves a nation’s ability to obtain and allocate resources for military activity. This might be the most critical factor in determining a nation’s ability to succeed in a great power war. Throughout…

Twin Theories of Sea Power

The two most influential sea power theorists on twentieth-century naval warfare are Alfred Thayer Mahan and Julian S. Corbett. One American, and one British, each heavily influenced the nature of their country’s naval forces in the two world wars. Mahan’s ideas preceded Corbett by two decades. Each, however, argued for the need to control sea…

Favorite Books of 2022

These were my favorite five books that I read in 2022. All excellent works that might be useful for a great many of you. Here is my annual best books list Soldiers From Experience: The Forging of Sherman’s Fifteenth Army Corps, 1862–1863 by Eric Michael Burke Burke’s novel concept of tactical culture, alongside his brilliant prose,…