Cicero and the Roman Ideal of Governorship

1st Century bust of Cicero, Palazzo Nuovo — Capitoline Museums — Rome, Wikimedia

Governing the province of Cilicia from 51–50 BC, Cicero offers an example of what appears to be the idealistic Roman view of governorship. Cicero’s task was significant, especially against a looming war with the Parthians. Still, Cicero is perhaps the model Roman governor. One can only hope that subsequent governors learned from his example. Throughout his year-long duty as a provincial governor, Cicero quelled fears amongst the provincials about Roman rule, defended against Parthian influence, and invigorated their economy. Cicero’s example is striking because of the autonomy and his juxtaposition with the majority of governors who do as they please for financial gain rather than take care of the provincials.

Cicero’s governorship did much to alleviate any fears and trepidations about Roman rule. Upon his arrival in August of 51 BC, Cicero noticed that the Cilician province was “oppressed and almost ruined” by previous governors and the poll tax levied. Much to the Cilicians’ surprise and relief, Cicero did not require them to pay anything, even firewood, for him or anyone in his party. Cicero quickly pointed out that his justice, self-control, and mercifulness allowed those towns to come back to life. Cicero also wrote, “not a penny is being spent in expenses for public purposes or on any of my staff except Lucius Tullius, the legate.” And even the legate was not taking anything outside Julian Law’s allowance. This did much to assuage concerns of Roman greed amongst the provincials. When he demanded “not a penny” from the Cypriots, those Cypriots were dumbfounded and attempted to bestow many shrines on him, which he naturally forbade. Cicero even managed to persuade Greek and Roman citizens to share hoarded corn in vast quantities with their communities after the harvest in that region failed. The provincials were very clearly surprised by Cicero’s benevolence and, as such, received him with open arms.

Much of Cicero’s term of governor in Cilicia was against the backdrop of impending war with the Parthians to his east and northeast. The province of Syria also felt this pressure. This would occupy most of his efforts over the first half of his governorship and satiated his desire for military success as Cicero led his army on a campaign around the eastern border and Amanus mountain communities that had never submitted to Roman rule. The threat of war with Parthia was ever-present throughout Cicero’s term as governor. It influenced his trepidations about leaving his term of governorship in the proper hands. Cicero openly wrestled with the decision of whom to put in charge before he left, as Rome decreed he put an interim governor in place. He ultimately settled on his questor, Coelius, despite his youth and inexperience because his brother was not interested in staying in Cilicia.

In addition to his competent military leadership, Cicero proved to be an excellent administrator of justice. Not only did he help the people of Cilicia lighten their debt by not taking any of their money to cover his expenses, but he also prosecuted those Greek magistrates who had been stealing from their communities. After interrogating those who had held office and soliciting an admission of guilt, Cicero compelled those responsible to give the money back to their cities. This, in turn, allowed the communities to pay their tax debt for not just the present period but the past five-year period, which endeared the publicani to him.

It must be said, however, that Cicero viewed his service as governor as one that would enhance his status in Rome. Of course, Cicero set an example that future Roman governors should take note of: self-control, justice, approachability, and clemency will do more to endear a province than ruling through force. Despite evidence that he governed his province from a position of honor and did nothing to dispute that, Cicero remained hopeful at the end of his term that he “achieved the reputation of an honest man.” The fact that governorship takes one so far from Rome takes its toll on Cicero, and he yearns for home so much that he describes himself as homesick. The distance between Rome and the province also means that his efforts may go unnoticed, and Cicero is left wondering if he could have achieved the same honorable status without ever leaving the city of Rome. Ultimately, Cicero was a model governor and should be remembered as such. Cicero’s actions, combined with the surviving letters, guide how to govern a province with authority and compassion.

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