Early CIA regime change operations During the Cold War, the United States maintained nominal control over the Western Hemisphere — Latin American in particular. U.S. foreign policy attitudes toward its southern neighbors are characterized as paternalistic at best and interventionist at worst in the centuries leading up to World War II. The early nineteenth century…

Three Native American Creation Myths

The Iroquois, Yakama, and Cherokee Each Native American tribe has its own story of its origin. While scientists believe Native Americans originated in Asia and came to the Americas via a land bridge between modern day Russia and Alaska, a second theory positsthat ancient Asians came to the Americas by boat, traversing the Pacific coast. Regardless, these two theories are rooted in scientific discovery,…

Is There a Western Way of War?

In this article I introduce the debate over a Western Way of War and some of the key works that have driven the discussion. In twin books, The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece and Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power the eminent historian Victor Davis Hanson argued that that several…

How Neoliberal Principles Failed the People of Latin America

And ushered in a new era of socialist government Throughout the 20th Century, Latin America experienced a consistent pendulum shift between left and right political and economic systems of government. Whether through revolution, election, or coup, one side of the political spectrum would usually follow the other in short order. Neoliberalism is an era of…

Macedonian Combined Arms Warfare

This is an adaptation of one of the first undergraduate papers I ever wrote, enjoy! The Macedonian army exhibited a tactical brilliance that set a precedent in the employment of concentrated force. Their tactics represent the culmination of centuries of Greek warfare. Before the reforms of Philip, warfare in the region was two city-states pitting…

Classroom Management

These are some ideas I’ve learned from experience that are, probably, dated by now. But some helpful ideas nonetheless Classroom management seems to have always been challenging. I can remember my classroom experiences and some of the difficulty my teachers had with just keeping students on task well before the days of smartphones. However, technology…